Should Men Continue To Parent Children If They Find Out They’re Not The Father? [VIDEO]
Would you continue to be a parent to a child that turned out not to be yours?
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Michelle Obama & Common’s Mother Share The Same Parenting Perspective [VIDEO]
Michelle Obama and Common's mother Dr. Mahalia Hines are on the same page when it come to parents being friends with their children.
Why It’s Good To Tell Your Kids No Sometimes [VIDEO]
Here's another great word from Pastor Keion Henderson.
Michelle Obama On Parenting [VIDEO]
Michelle Obama is right.
How To Avoid Making Parenting Mistakes [AUDIO]
We had Dr. Alduan Tartt the show to talk about getting the best out of your kids by mixing love and discipline.
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Overcomplicating Parenting Puts Everyone In Jeopardy [AUDIO]
Why is it that all of us are scared of something, but the kids are scared of nothing and nobody?
Healthy Parenting Tips [AUDIO]
Take a listen to these healthy parenting tips from Maria More.
Stick To Your Parenting Principles [AUDIO]
Don’t waiver on your parenting principles, even if that makes you unpopular with your kids.
The Difference Between Parenting & Grandparenting [VIDEO]
Rickey Smiley is a lot different as a grandparent than he was as a parent to his children!