Can You Be Friends With Your Children? [AUDIO]
Dr. Alduan Tartt talked about the pros and cons of being friends with your kids and said, “Love is spelled T-I-M-E when it comes to kids.”
Full show:
Michelle Obama & Common’s Mother Share The Same Parenting Perspective [VIDEO]
Michelle Obama and Common's mother Dr. Mahalia Hines are on the same page when it come to parents being friends with their children.
Why It’s Good To Tell Your Kids No Sometimes [VIDEO]
Here's another great word from Pastor Keion Henderson.
Should Kids Have Birthday Parties Every Year? [AUDIO]
Should every year of a child's life be celebrated with a birthday party?
The Benefits Of Waiting To Have Kids [VIDEO]
Rickey Smiley had a conversation with "The Rickey Smiley Morning Show" Producers Beyonce Alowishus and Taylor about the benefits of waiting to have children.
Should Restaurants Charge Parents A Fee If Their Children Misbehave? [AUDIO]
Do you think this restaurant is right or wrong to have a surcharge for parents of kids who act up?
Full show:
What Rickey Smiley Won’t Do With His Kids [VIDEO]
Rickey Smiley loves his kids, but disrespect is not an option.
See more videos from Rickey's Birthday Beach Blowout here:
Today’s Kids Will Never Know… [AUDIO]
Check out this conversation from "The Rickey Smiley Morning Show" about some of the things kids from today will never know!
Kids Aren’t Afraid Of Anyone [VIDEO]
You can't say nothing to kids these days... It's sad, scary and terrifying.